The Central Students Ministry serves students in 6th-12th grade. Our ministry is separated between middle school and high school with weekly programs for all grades and genders every Sunday and Wednesday.
Our philosophy of ministry is first, spiritual. We want everything we do to be based on students growing in their relationship with Jesus. We accomplish this through Biblical teaching, passionate worship, and personal discipleship. Secondly our ministry is relational. We desire for students to develop meaningful relationships with adults and other students that will serve as a source of strength and guidance in their walk with Christ. Finally, we desire for our ministry to be attractional. While we do not focus on the bigger and better mentality, we do want students to enjoy the programs and have fun while growing in Christ.
Going to camp? Fill these out and return.
Wondering what announcements we have and what’s going on in Central Students? Text the number 81010 with the applicable code(s) to be kept in the loop!
Middle School:
6th Grade Boys: @cbc6thb
6th Grade Girls: @cbc6girl
7th Grade Boys: @cbc7thb
7th Grade Girls: @cbc7girls
8th Grade Boys: @cbc8thb
8th Grade Girls: @cbc8girls
High School:
9th Grade Boys: @cbc9boys
9th Grade Girls: @cbc9girls
10th Grade Boys: @cbc10boys
10th Grade Girls: @cbc10girls
11th Grade Boys: @cbc11boys
11th Grade Girls: @cbc11girls
12th Grade Boys: @cbc12boys
12th Grade Girls: @cbc12girls
Parents, we have an email and text list option available for you. We encourage you to sign up for both options as they can include different information at times. Please send us an email that includes your phone number in order to be added to the lists. If you have any questions, let us know.
Jeremy Lewis has served as the Student Minister at Central since 2002 and has served in student ministry for over 30 years. Jeremy has a bachelor’s degree in youth ministry from Liberty University and a Master Degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been married to Niki for 32 years and has a son, Cody, a daughter, Leah, and a son-in-law, Minh. When not hanging out with students, Jeremy loves to run, fish, hunt, and watch movies with Niki & Cody.
In order for students to participate in any retreat, camp, or trip they must have the current 2023-2024 Medical Release Form on file. You can download the form below. Once completed and turned in, this form will be valid until August 31, 2025.