Welcome! We are glad you’re here this morning and we would love to hear from you.
SONG • Good Plans | Doxology
Sing along with us.
CALL TO WORSHIP • Philippians 2:9-11
We begin each service with a passage of Scripture that calls us to worship. It reminds us that we gather because God has invited us to know Him and be known by Him.
SONG • Christ Be Magnified
Sing along with us.
SONG • Jesus Paid It All
Sing along with us.
SCRIPTURE READING • Galatians 4:4–7
SONG • Blessed Assurance
Sing along with us.
PASTORAL PRAYER • Dr. Phillip Bethancourt, Lead Pastor
This is a prayer that spends time both giving thanks to God and a time when we take our needs as a church to God—whether for physical or spiritual needs in our church, for crises around the world, or for missionaries or other gospel churches.
SERMON • Dr. Phillip Bethancourt, Lead Pastor
Each week, we open the Bible and study verse by verse what God has said in his Word and what that means for our lives. We are currently in our Easter series exploring through Romans 8. The verses we are focusing on today are Romans 8:12-25.
RESPONSE • The Power Of The Cross
Feel free to join us in song, place your offering in the giving boxes, gather elements for the Lord’s Supper, or come talk to us in front of the platform. We would love to pray with you or talk about next steps with you.
LORD’S SUPPER • Dr. Shane Mikeska, Senior Director for Missions & Operations
The Lord’s Supper is a meal that tells the story of the gospel, open to those who are professing believers in Christ and who have professed that faith in believer’s baptism. The bread and cup are rich signs that signify the body and blood of Jesus. As we take this meal, we renew our commitment to Christ and one another.
We end our gathering with a brief time that normally consists of a few announcements or prayer over a group.
The benediction is our charge as we are sent from our weekly gathering into the world to be a faithful and loving presence of Jesus.
Giving is an act of worship in response to the extravagant grace and glory of God. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in and through our local church as you give below.
We are eager to help you take a next step. You can start right here:
🔘 Baptism
🔘 Groups
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